Fitness & Body Composition.
Towards the future of training protocols

Planning of a Training protocol is a process aimed at achieving a specific goal, which must take into account both the individual performance status and body composition.

FITNESS APP is the first software application that allows fitness professionals to easily collect, manage and integrate functional and body composition assessment, to set up an adequate training program and a correct monitoring of the active subject.
With a single application it’s possible to achieve:

  • Body Composition analysis;
  • Anthropometric analysis;
  • Functional analysis.

Features included

A specific and customized approach for defining training programs.

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    Basal evaluation

    Start with a complete analysis
    Through the application of relevant methodologies, FITNESS APP allows to obtain an accurate and complete basal assessment: a fundamental prerequisite to plan a training program that respects the physiology of the subject. FITNESS APP guides the user during the first evaluation of the subject through 5 phases.
    Body composition assessment:

    • Bioimpedance
    • Anthropometric evaluation
    • Circumferences
    • Functional evaluation
    • Cardiorespiratory capacity
    • Muscle performance
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    Define the most suitable goal for each subject
    Correct targeting is the first step that leads the subject towards achieving the specific result. Each goal must be well defined, measurable and achievable. With FITNESS APP it is possible to set 7 different goals to calibrate workloads, type and frequency of training on the basis of individual performance status and body composition:

    • Strengthening
    • Strength & Endurance
    • Cardiorespiratory Endurance
    • Weight Loss
    • Aesthetic Fitness
    • Health and Prevention
    • Fitness and Well-Being
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    Standard protocol

    Set up a personalized follow-up that is sensitive to the minimal changes
    Based on the GOAL set for the subject, FITNESS APP suggests standardized and optimized assessment protocols to track minimal individual changes in body composition.

    • Targeted analysis: collect only the metrics you need to track specific changes
    • Fast analysis: follow a guided and optimized procedure to quickly collect essential data
    • Personalized analysis: get the right protocol to guide your subject towards the result
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    Reports & tool

    Show your subject’s progress, give value to your assessment with new tools for easy interpretation of functional data and body composition analysis.
    FITNESS APP provides customizable reports that integrate anthropometric and body composition functional data, to communicate effectively with the customer by transferring professionalism and competence.

    Bia charts

    Correlates data of Phase Angle (PhA) with Skeletal Muscle Mass Index (SMI)

    Correlates the Fat Mass Index (FMI) data with the Skeletal Muscle Mass Index (SMI).

    Correlates the Extra Cellular Water Index (ECWI) data with the Skeletal Muscle Mass Index (SMI).

    The report generator of the FITNESS APP is able to manage more than 40 combinations of functional, anthropometric and body composition variables.

    Representative image
    Representative image
    Representative image

Beyond Biavector®

Individual and specific evaluation of the active subject, using new statistical tools and vector graphics.

Biavector® allows you to track even slight changes in body composition. However, athletes that undergo training programs to increase muscle mass, show a variation in the impedance patterns, which makes the classic references of the normal population inapplicable. With FITNESS APP, AKERN® introduces new analytical tools that allow a correct follow-up of the active subject because.


Fitness Vector is one of the results of 40 years of measurements with AKERN® technology and processed data that have allowed AKERN® to create BIVA specific population analysis. New tolerance ellipses, specific for the Fitness population, have also been created allowing to trace the evolution of the active subject through the vector displacement. Specific areas of the FITNESS VECTOR define different levels of performance.


BIVA analysis on a single individual this graphic function is based on the individual analysis of bioimpedance data and allows you to:

  • PREVENT muscle damage as a consequence of fatigue and dehydration.
  • RESPECT THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE ATHLETE by tracing with greater sensitivity the minimal changes in muscle and hydration of each subject following nutritional and/or training protocols.
  • SET RECOVERY PROGRAMS specific for each individual.

Benefits for the Fitness expert

Our goal is your success
Reference in the bioimpedance field, AKERN® provides fitness experts with advanced solutions to evolve and be a successful professional.

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    The best solution that can be offered to an individual is a personalized one. Workloads, type and frequency of training programs are increasingly calibrated to the body composition of the specific individual. AKERN® follows the evolution of the fitness world and provides professionals with a single solution, able to offer a customized service for each individual who wants to improve their physical shape.

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    The correct classification of the subject, based on his functional characteristics and his body composition, helps not only to set achievable goals but also to identify his real needs. The working protocol proposed by the FITNESS APP allows the fitness professional to choose the most appropriate training program but also to strengthen the bond with the client.

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    AKERN® offering connected to the FITNESS APP helps you to increase and promote your professional skills:

    • AKERN® training and Partners: thanks to the trust and collaboration of authoritative trainers, AKERN® offers high-level training and refresher courses for fitness professionals.
      Check the training offer!
    • FITNESS APP Starter Kit: bbuilding your professional network has never been easier! AKERN® offers you a promotional kit with printed hand-out materials (Brochures, posters, tickets for appointments), that supports you in with your business.


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