New functional applications for BODYGRAM® body composition analysis software

Guided analysis through a customized approach
After 40 years of research and development in the bioimpendance field, AKERN® takes body composition analysis to the next level, extending the potential of BODYGRAM® analysis software by including new functional applications (APPs).

Following the footsteps of modern medicine, AKERN® offers optimized body composition analysis of single patients to better tailor prevention and individual treatment options to deliver precise and customized therapy solutions.

Specific Body Composition Analysis

In AKERN®, we aim to offer accurate and specific results for customized body composition analysis across all fields of application.

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Clinical settings and prevention

Hospital and clinical settings require a high degree of accuracy and specificity to support disease diagnosis and management. In AKERN® we provide reliable data for guiding treatment choices based on a customized approach specifically designed for the individual thus ensuring more effective results.

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In-depth analysis of body composition helps to identify a precise dietary regimen based on the specific calorie intake needs. Bioimpedance analysis, combined with the anthropometric data, the physical activity level but also considering ongoing pathologies and/or medical treatments allow for a customized, effective, nutritional plan.

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Sport and fitness

Each subject requires specific fitness plans based on their physical condition, body composition and performance capabilities.
Appropriately prescribed physical activity, that respects individual objectives, can significantly contribute to improving the individual’s health and quality of life.


Software and apps

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most advanced software
for body composition analysis

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