
The science of bioelectrical analysis to support the evaluation of causes in weight changes

The increasing rate of inactive people has led to a prevalence of overweight and obesity among the population, bringing nutrition experts to play an important social role.

Within this scenario, the connection between nutrition and general health has become more and more strong, requiring the development of the professional experts in nutrition, whose challenging task is to identify changes in the state of health, implement preventive measures aimed to minimize the main risk factors and promote appropriate lifestyles for all age groups.

Nutritional status classification is one of the biggest challenges for the professional nutritionists and is crucially important to identify optimized and safe patient care within customized healthcare pathway.
Bioimpedance, today represents the preferred method for evaluating body composition in nutritional settings.

AKERN® has always been a key partner of nutrition experts, offering a fully validated system that provides an increasingly accurate and personalised service, aimed at constant professional improvement.


AKERN® sensors

Validated, precise, safe. Discover the new BIA 101 BIVA® PRO system

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