BIVATRODES™ electrodes

A new design for even more accurate, repeatable and safe measurements.

The importance of the electrodes in a bioimpedance assessment is often underestimated. The electrodes are part of the BIA analysis system and need to be specifically indicated for this use to guarantee reliable and repeatable measurements.

Electrodes with poor conductivity, not specifically certified for bioimpedance analysis, can cause errors in measurement up to tens of Ohm, resulting in estimate errors of several kilos and significant phase angle variations.

Many years of experience and feedback from the market has taught us that the biggest source of errors in a bioimpedance measurement, occurs during patient setup, in particular the incorrect placement of the electrodes that affect the test reliability.
Uncorrect positioning and distancing between the sensing electrode and the injection electrode, which could be the result of different users with different levels of experience, may lead to reading errors in impedance data of up to 15% (Dunbar 1994, Schell 1987, Evans 1998).

With Bivatrodes™, measurement errors are minimized due to the presence within each electrode of both a stimulation area and a sensing area that guarantee consistent placement and inter-distance between areas on hands and feet, regardless the size. The tab for connecting to the alligator clip of the patient cable eases the connection of the electrode to the contacts, ensuring correct signal conduction.

These characteristics enable excellent reproducibility of results (CV<1%).



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