BIATRODES™ electrodes

Reliable technology that guarantee accurate results

The importance of the electrodes in a bioimpedance assessment is often underestimated. The electrodes are part of the BIA analysis system and need to be specifically indicated for this use in order to obtain accurate, reliable and repeatable measurements.

Electrodes with poor conductivity, not specifically certified for bioimpedance analysis, can cause errors in measurement to tens of Ohm, resulting in estimate errors of several kilos and significant phase angle variations.

Imperceptible intrinsic impedance is an essential characteristic of electrodes for conducting accurate qualitative and quantitative analysis.

BIATRODES™ electrodes, guaranteed and certified with the entire Akern sensor line, provide the device with the ideal sensitivity, respecting optimal standards of conductivity and therefore ensuring an excellent return of impedance values for BIA/BIVA analysis (intrinsic impedance < 30 Ohm). You can read more in the comparison study by Nescolarde et al 2016, BIATRODES™ electrodes.
Negligible intrinsic impedance is an essential characteristic of electrodes for carrying out accurate qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Electrodes with poor conductivity, which are not certified for bioimpedance analysis, can cause errors in measurement amounting to tens of Ohm, resulting in changes in estimates of several kilos and significant phase angle variations.

AKERN® electrodes provide the device with the ideal sensitivity, respecting optimal standards of conductivity.

Characteristics of BIATRODES™ electrodes

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    High conductivity

    This specific feature is obtained through the use of silver in the manufacturing process of the electrode’s conductive layer (the surface in contact with the alligator clip of the patient cable).

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    The conductive layer of Biatrodes™ electrodes is composed of a grid of silver/chlorine ions placed on a polymer support.

    This specific design, results in the following benefits:

    • Reduces the signal polarization on the patient’s skin. In this way, the signal reaches a stable value quicker for immediate data acquisition by the user.
    • Reduces the intrinsic impedance of the electrode for higher accuracy of the result.
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    The most widely used electrodes for bioimpedance feature a liquid conductive gel which may be prone to drying. The use of dry electrodes may lead to uncorrect measurements.

    The contact-surface of BIATRODES™ electrodes presents a solid, high-density conductive gel that keeps the skin hydrated, allowing for stable performance up to 5 hours. The excellent adhesive and elastic properties of the gel contained in BIATRODES™ offers a strong contact even in the case of patients with hypertrichosis or dry skin, guaranteeing painless removal.

    The specific formulation of the conductive gel does not require any special storage conditions. BIATRODES™ electrodes can be stored at room temperature (10°C – 32°C) for up to 24 months.



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