Nutrilab™: approved for use in the People’s Republic of China

We are proud to announce that the certification as medical device of the Nutrilab sensor in China has been formally completed, authorizing its use in healthcare facilities for the next five years.

Nutrilab is Akern®‘s multifunction touch screen bioimpedance analyzer, extensively validated in numerous clinical studies, which finds numerous applications in the clinical field thanks also to the guidelines published by major European scientific societies such as ESPEN, EASO, ERAS, ESE, ESMO and ESC, that recommend body composition assessment as a support to the evaluation of malnutrition, in the diagnosis of sarcopenia and obesity, in the fluid management, in the follow-up of muscle mass during artificial nutrition in many pathological conditions.

The recent approval of Nutrilab device in this far east nation was made possible thanks to the fruitful partnership with ENTERNUTR BIOSCIENCE, a leading Chinese company in the clinical nutrition industry, which closely followed the process aimed at NMPA certification.

From September onwards, therefore, Nutrilab will be fully available to professionals and patients living in China, and this technology has been presented for the first time at the Annual Meeting of Chinese Clinical Nutrition, CNCC 2022, that was held on 26th August 28th, 2022 in Wuhan.

If you want to know more about Nutrilab™ click here.



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