Digital anthropometry: Akern® e i-Deal join forces in the clinical project “CONCERTO”

GATEKEEPER/CONCERTO by i-Deal and Akern® is the winning project in challenge 4 (clinical screening management) of the Open Call 2 released by GATEKEEPER ( a European Multi Centric Large-Scale Pilot, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under GA n° 857223. To this Open Call, addressing 4 challenges, 64 proposals from all over Europe were received by Gatekeeper.

Clinical Research within the CONCERTO project will be carried out at the University of Padova, by dr Francesco Campa, under the supervision of Prof. Antonio Paoli. CONCERTO will implement a web data-based service starting from 2 clinically validated and well-known technologies: SizeYou© solution (developed by i-Deal, sets of algorithms for the self-collection of body measurements and anthropometric data by mobile phone) and Bodygram® Software (by Akern®, a dedicated platform for the interpretation and reporting of body composition data collected through bioimpedance analyzers).

SizeYou© solution (, based on an AI artificial vision and supervised machine learning techniques, can collect the measurements of human body remotely, by taking just two fully anonymous pictures of the user through a common smartphone and the use of a mobile App (Android and iOS). The measurements are collected in an objective, reliable and operator-independent way, and only a set of specific coordinates is sent to the server for body measurement elaborations, to reproduce the 3D shape of the body.

The advantage of combining 2D digital imaging anthropometry (with SizeYou©) within the bioimpedance analysis (with Akern®), will support clinicians and professionals in the early diagnosis of specific healthcare conditions related to body composition alteration, like obesity, localized adiposity, or appendicular lean tissue losses, and their well-known leading complications such as diabetes, heart diseases and hypertension.



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