Akern alongside CETILAR: Your personal best in body composition

Not everyone knows that monitoring body composition components, such as fluids, muscle mass and fat mass, helps to define the athlete’s physical efficiency, not only in the preparatory phase but especially in the post-competitive ‘recovery’ phase. Thus, on one hand, knowing the athlete’s ‘physical status’ allows to work on improving his or her performance, and on the other hand, it becomes possible to detect in an early stage a state of overreaching or low energy availability (LEA) that can lead to reduced performance or an increased incidence of injury.

For this reason, Akern® is a proud technological partner of sports events sponsored by Cetilar PharmaNutra, during which BIA assessment is offered and presented to the general public and used to measure the body composition of athletes and attendees, with the help of local nutritionists and sport professionals.

Akern®‘s presence in these sports events represents one of the activities that brings the company to the territory, opening up to the general population.



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