AKERN ACADEMY: the training and education platform for body composition professionals

From this month, Akern®’s Training and Education program is guaranteed through a specific and dedicated division namely Akern® Academy.

The training program in Akern® was initiated in 2007 as a service offered by Jatreia toward nutrition and sports professionals. With the merger of Jatreia srl into Akern® srl, an updating and expansion of educational and training contents was launched to constitute an Academy. Thanks to the development of specific courses, Akern® Academy comes to the market with a totally renovated training solution, in its format and content, responding adequately to professionals from various fields and different levels.

Akern® Academy supports health professionals in clinical, outpatient or sports settings to raise their level of knowledge and background in their specific field, having gained more expertise on the assessment of the nutritional status and body composition of the patient or subject under examination.

With Akern® Academy, the professional has the opportunity to get into contact with a multidisciplinary community, both during on-site and online courses, on the many specific areas, raising his level of professional qualification, thus responding, in a constantly updated manner, to the continuous and demanding needs of the market.

The training offering in Akern® Academy is highly dynamic, challenging and innovative, managed by a team of tutors and professors from different backgrounds but highly experienced and knowledgeable: Akern® Academy is structured by areas of interest, level of difficulty and modality of participation.

To find out more visit the Akern® Academy page.



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