
AKERN® develops and manufactures medical devices for body composition assessment applying with passion and dedication the Evidence based medicine method, to obtain concrete and repeatable results, anticipating the needs of professionals and identifying conditions that allow effective and safe diagnosis, with the aim of improving people’s living conditions.

The recognition of AKERN® as an international scientific reference is now widely attested by a scientific production that is continuously and steadily increasing and that to date has over 3200 publications including clinical studies and independent research, which have chosen AKERN® technology.

In addition, AKERN® is among the few companies in the bioimpedance field to be used and published in research projects with high impact factor (> 20).

In this section, you may find a selection of papers from international scientific journals , either relevant to AKERN® or making use of AKERN® devices and technologies.

How to cite AKERN® in scientific publications

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