
Akern® at the 6th Annual Body Composition Conference

Akern® at the 6th Annual Body Composition Conference

With the patronage of Enpab and in partnership with ISSA, Akern® and Jatreia joint together for the 6th Edition of the Body Composition Conference, the annual meeting for body composition professionals, held on 10-11 April. This virtual meeting was combined with FAD (Distance Learning) and ECM credits. The meeting topic for this year was “Body […]

Akern®expands his team and prepares for new international challenges

Akern®expands his team and prepares for new international challenges

Although this year has continued to evolve in a different way than we had imagined, Akern® is proud of his team that has been able to overcome every challenge and grasp new opportunities. In addition to having invested in the development of increasingly innovative and specialized solutions for different fields of application of body composition, […]

Akern® participates in the first joint Italy-China symposium of Clinical Nutrition and Low Muscle Mass

Akern® participates in the first joint Italy-China symposium of Clinical Nutrition and Low Muscle Mass

The first Clinical Nutrition and Muscle Loss Symposium organized by EnterNutrition was held in Guangzhou. The event was attended by internationally renowned clinical nutrition experts, along with numerous companies operating in the sector. Akern® is pleased to have virtually made her contribution with an intervention focused on current challenges and new approaches for diagnosing malnutrition […]

Akern® in orbit

Akern® in orbit

Finally, the NutriSS study is one of 50 experiments dedicated to physiology and robotics carried out during the Beyond Mission on board the International Space Station (ISS). We know that microgravity during extended space flights can induce a 1 to 5% loss of body mass due to bone decalcification, muscle atrophy and depletion of the […]



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