
Akern promotes sport and is involved in social sustainability

Akern promotes sport and is involved in social sustainability

Akern® has always been a scientific partner of many elite and amateur sports teams. It is known and described in literature, that assessment and Improvement in the body composition of athletes though a individualized nutritional and training schedule, impacts psitively on their performance. Akern®‘s role as the Official Sponsor of Libertas Livorno 1947 Basketball Team […]

BIA Vectorial Analysis: new population references published after 30 years

BIA Vectorial Analysis: new population references published after 30 years

New references for bioelectrical impedance vector (BIVA) and phase angle (PhA) referred to the general population are now available, thanks to a study conducted by Dr. F. Campa, a researcher in Prof. A. Paoli’s group at the University of Padua. The study involved a sample of more than 4,000 adults, ranging in age from 18 […]

Akern consolidates relations with China

Akern consolidates relations with China

Akern®‘s partnership with the Chinese company EnterNutr Guangzhou New Health Biotechnology Co., Ltd., a Guangzhou-based company founded in 2008 by Dr. Hanxi Li, started in 2019. Today EnterNutr is a company supported by governmental funds and well-established in the hospital setting in providing supplements and devices for parenteral nutrition therapy. In 2022 Akern® obtained NMPA […]

From Regional BIVA Analysis to Local BIVA assessment studies

From Regional BIVA Analysis to Local BIVA assessment studies

The name of the technique is “muscle-localized BIVA“, ML-BIVA, and it is at the base of a research project that has brought together AKERN with the National Institute of Physical Education of Catalonia (INEFC) in Barcelona, the Creu Blanca Clinic and the SJD Campus docent, in Catalan territory. Based on the hypothesis that localized vector […]

Akern alongside CETILAR: Your personal best in body composition

Akern alongside CETILAR: Your personal best in body composition

Not everyone knows that monitoring body composition components, such as fluids, muscle mass and fat mass, helps to define the athlete’s physical efficiency, not only in the preparatory phase but especially in the post-competitive ‘recovery’ phase. Thus, on one hand, knowing the athlete’s ‘physical status’ allows to work on improving his or her performance, and […]

AKERN ACADEMY: the training and education platform for body composition professionals

AKERN ACADEMY: the training and education platform for body composition professionals

From this month, Akern®’s Training and Education program is guaranteed through a specific and dedicated division namely Akern® Academy. The training program in Akern® was initiated in 2007 as a service offered by Jatreia toward nutrition and sports professionals. With the merger of Jatreia srl into Akern® srl, an updating and expansion of educational and […]

Nutrilab™: approved for use in the People’s Republic of China

Nutrilab™: approved for use in the People’s Republic of China

We are proud to announce that the certification as medical device of the Nutrilab™ sensor in China has been formally completed, authorizing its use in healthcare facilities for the next five years. Nutrilab™ is Akern®‘s multifunction touch screen bioimpedance analyzer, extensively validated in numerous clinical studies, which finds numerous applications in the clinical field thanks […]

AKERN® becomes part of the PHARMANUTRA group

AKERN® becomes part of the PHARMANUTRA group

Pharmanutra S.p.A., a company listed on the STAR segment of the Italian Stock Exchange, takes over the ownership of Akern® s.r.l.. PharmaNutra group ( is one of the most regarded Italian companies in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industry, thanks to the constant innovation of products and patented technologies developed for the food supplement market and […]

Back in presence at the Body Composition Conference!!

Back in presence at the Body Composition Conference!!

29th – 30th April 2022 we will attend the 7th Edition of the most important Conference for Body Composition experts: the Body Composition Conference. This year’s topic will be “Primary Prevention: the role of diet and physical activity“. We are finally back in physical presence in Cesena, at the amazing headquarters of Technogym, world leader […]

Digital anthropometry: Akern® e i-Deal join forces in the clinical project “CONCERTO”

Digital anthropometry: Akern® e i-Deal join forces in the clinical project “CONCERTO”

GATEKEEPER/CONCERTO by i-Deal and Akern® is the winning project in challenge 4 (clinical screening management) of the Open Call 2 released by GATEKEEPER ( a European Multi Centric Large-Scale Pilot, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under GA n° 857223. To this Open Call, addressing 4 challenges, 64 proposals from […]

Akern® merges with Jatreia

Akern® merges with Jatreia

Jatreia has been Akern®’s partner and distributor in Italy since long. Akern® and Jatreia have always shared the same passion for excellence applied to body composition and it therefore has been an obvious and natural decision to consolidate their partnership by uniting their companies. “We look forward to integrating the Jatreia team into the Akern […]

Gastrointestinal disorders: latest generation Akern® analyzer donated to Parma

Gastrointestinal disorders: latest generation Akern® analyzer donated to Parma

“The prognosis of patients suffering chronic or oncological diseases also depends on an accurate assessment” are the words of the Director of the Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy Unit, A.O.U. Parma, after receiving the latest generation of Akern® bioimpedance analyzer, through a donation by the patient association SNUPI. With Akern® instruments you can immediately measure the […]



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