Akern® Products & Solutions

The most advanced system for body composition assessment

Body composition assessment through bioimpedance techniques continues to attract growing interest not only in clinical settings but also amongst Nutrition and Sports professionals that aim to healthy lifestyle in the long-term. BIA technique is fast, safe and accurate, and also does not impact on healthcare costs.

Bioimpedance analysis is a very sensitive analysis, whose accuracy is directly dependent from the type of solution used, namely the combination of the sensor, the data set of algorithms that are included within the software and the scientific validation of the entire solution. All the parts of this analysis system must interact uniquely to provide reliable body composition data.

The consolidated experience together with the certified and validated technology, allows AKERN® to offer advanced solutions across all body composition fields.

For clinics and prevention

For clinics and prevention

Partnering clinicians to shape the future of healthcare


The science of bioelectrical analysis to support the evaluation of causes in weight changes
Sport and fitness

Sport and fitness

Leading athletes toward better results

Software and apps

Discover the
most advanced software
for body composition analysis

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